New Year, New Blog + Early thoughts on Gatsby JS
January 6, 2020 at 7:23 PM

Happy New Year!
Welcome to my new blog, here I'm going to be sharing my work, my thoughts, new music and articles/tutorials. I've been meaning to start this site for a while, but I wanted to make sure that I had something to say.
What to expect from this blog
I'm trying to write a new article every two weeks. I will be focusing on software development, science and technology, hopefully I will also have a chance to touch upon electronic music and interleave my passions.
How I made this site: GatsbyJS / Netlify / Lumen
I made this site in less than 24 hrs using GatsbyJS and the Lumen Gatsby Starter Kit, hosting is provided by Netlify. I've made the source code available on Github. Gatsby is an open source framework based on React. I had a really good experience working with it, basically it allows users to generate static sites from markdown, it makes great use of GraphQL, and has a great user eco-system of plugins, themes and starter kits.
I did run into some gotcha's using WSL 2 but overall I was impressed at the level of customization and ease of use. The Lumen Gatsby Starter Kit really helped get this up and running quickly and I integrated it with Netlify CMS to update the content easily.
I'm going to be digging deeper into these frameworks later, I'm writing an article about Gatsby JS but this was as a great opportunity to get my feet wet with the JAMStack.